A Better Choice provides a variety of free services, so you can make an informed and empowered choice for your unplanned pregnancy.

Free Pregnancy Tests

Have you missed your period? Are you experiencing pregnancy symptoms? Perhaps you’ve already taken a pregnancy test at home, but want a second opinion.

A Better Choice provides free pregnancy tests so you can be certain you’re pregnant. Results are 99% accurate and 100% confidential.

Material Assistance

A Better Choice provides free baby items such as diapers, baby clothes, wipes, bath products, formula, and more, all supplied by our generous donors. We truly appreciate the donors’ love for your family. We know you will appreciate it too.

*Please bring a photo ID to receive material assistance from 9 am-4 pm, Monday-Friday. You are eligible to receive assistance once every 30 days. Please call ahead to make sure we have the items you need in stock.

Free Ultrasounds

Ultrasounds provide vital information about your pregnancy, including how far along you are, your estimated due date, and whether or not there is a fetal heartbeat. Having this information will inform your pregnancy options going forward!

*Our ultrasounds are by appointment only. Please give us a call to see if you qualify.

Pregnancy Options Education

Looking for a safe, non-judgmental space to process your emotions and explore your options? Consider visiting A Better Choice for helpful information on all your pregnancy options. Our compassionate client advocates can answer all of your questions regarding abortion*, adoption, and parenting.

*Please note that A Better Choice does not provide or refer for abortion services.

Referrals for Community Resources

A Better Choice offers ongoing support starting with your first office visit. We provide referrals for community resources including:

  • Health insurance
  • Housing
  • Medical care
  • Employment
  • Childcare
  • Many more services personalized to your unique needs

Whatever you may need, we’re here to help. Our years of successful partnership with other community agencies and social service organizations can be put to work for you!

Unplanned Pregnancy Services in Wichita, KS

Get the care and support you deserve at A Better Choice. Call or text us at  (316) 685-5757  or schedule your appointment online today.

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